Dear Church Family, I am sending the Good Word early this week so you’ll have the Holy Week schedule before you. Tuesday, April 12 3-4 p.m. – Final Bible study on the Parables – We’ll look at the Laborers in the Vineyard (Mt 20:1-16), the Unmerciful Servant (Mt 18:21-35), and the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Maundy Thursday, April 14 7 p.m. Sanctuary – Celebration of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and service of Tenebrae. Good Friday – The sanctuary will be open for prayer and meditation. Copies of the passion according to Luke will be available for reflection. 7 p.m. Ecumenical service. Trinity Episcopal Church, Lime Rock. I’ll be one of the ministers giving brief meditations. The Trinity church choir will provide musical reflection. Easter, April 17 at 10 a.m. Sanctuary. Celebration of the resurrection. The texts are Deuteronomy 8:11-18 and Luke 24:1-12 and the sermon is titled “Remembering.” Our choir will be providing two Easter musical offerings. You are invited to bring an Easter lily to help decorate the sanctuary in a festive way. You may leave it Thursday or Friday or come a little early on Easter Sunday. Lynn and I look forward to worshipping with you during this special time and wish you a most blessed holy week and joyous Easter. See you in church. Peace and Joy, Rich