Dear Church Family, Watching all the pageantry surrounding the death of Queen Elizabeth these past two weeks, it’s hard not to become something of an Anglophile. Although our nation had its origin in opposition to monarchy, there was something touching about the outpouring of emotion for the Queen. Great Britain has problems as complex and intractable as ours, and yet the Queen’s nonpartisan commitment to duty and service has been a unifying force amidst all the division. It remains to be seen whether the monarchy under King Charles III will be able to do the same. I did find myself wishing for some force like the monarch to draw us together as a nation, something which transcends our deep divisions. It used to be the loyalty to the Constitution but even that has become problematic. My prayer is that we might embody more fully our national motto is “in God we trust” by discovering again the God who unites and brings people together rather than divides. Could it be so? We continue the series on the Lord’s prayer, focusing this week on the phrase “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Or should it be debts? (we’ll address that). The sermon is “Love So Amazing” and the texts are Isaiah 43:15-21, 25-28 and Romans 3:21-26; 5:6-11. See you in church. Peace and Joy, Rich