ASH WEDNESDAY Dear Church Family, Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Unlike the more liturgical traditions (i.e. Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans) Congregationalists have traditionally not put a lot of emphasis on this day with its imposition of ashes and the focus on the transience of human life. “From dust you have come, to dust you shall return,” the liturgy declares. But for centuries the congregational tradition has placed considerable emphasis on the Lenten focus on personal repentance even if the idea of Lent as a distinct time of spiritual reflection and renewal is of fairly recent vintage, The idea of following a Christian calendar can be a helpful spiritual tool, as we focus on particular aspects of the Christian life at particular times. The lectionary for the 1st Sunday in Lent is always the story of Jesus’ temptation. The texts are Genesis 3:1-8 and Matthew 4:1-11. The sermon’s simple title is “Tempted!”. The liturgical color for the season is purple, representing the color of royalty (Christ as King) and repentance. Remember to wear something purple during the season. Some traditions emphasize giving up something for Lent. Ours focuses rather on taking on a spiritual practice, perhaps an act of service, or a focus on prayer or reading scripture. . One idea is following a daily devotional guide. There are many free ones you can find just by googling “free Lenten devotional guides. Here are the links to three possible ones: ; ; See you in church. Peace and Joy, Rich