Dear Church Family, Things have returned to a more normal pace around our house now that Josh’s family has returned to Tennessee after a three-week sojourn in the north. We have been resting up and recharging our energy. Being in proximity with our granddaughters for a time reminded us again that childrearing is a long-term process. The needs and developmental progress of a 9-year-old, a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old are so different, and it is quite remarkable—and fun-- seeing how they are growing physically, intellectually, and morally. Parenting seems even more challenging than when we were raising children, especially with the influence of media and social media. Parenting requires enormous energy, and God knew what he was doing in giving that responsibility to the young. We are amazed at the remarkable job Liza and Josh are doing. Perhaps it is fitting that in the next few weeks we will be exploring the growth and development of Joseph, from baby to spoiled teenager to mature and successful adult. It did not seem obvious from the beginning how he would turn out, so the story reminds us of the importance of seeing God’s role in the process of “growing up well.” That is the title of this Sunday’s service. The texts are Genesis 37:1-11 and Matthew 14:13-21. Enjoy this glorious week and see you on Sunday. Peace and Joy, Rich