Dear Church Family, “Finally,” you may be saying! This week we’ll be wrapping up our 3 month long series on “Family Faith Stories from the book of Genesis.” Simply as drama, these are good stories, full of intrigue and human emotion, packed with love and hate, honesty and deception, compassion and violence. They offer unique insight into family dynamics and human challenges and personal growth. But through it all, there is the constant thread of God, who works his purpose out through the most extraordinary of circumstances, building a nation and preserving his people. These stories provide the longest narrative in the Bible regarding God’s providential care. I hope you have enjoyed discovering or rediscovering these stories as much as I have in telling them. Sunday’s final sermon is “Taking the Long View” and the texts are Genesis 50:15-22 and Matthew 22:34-40. Don’t forget the popular “Porch Party” is back. We’ll be gathering at the parsonage on Friday, October 6, beginning at 4 p.m. (since it is getting dark earlier these days). Bring a dish to share and a chair and join us for an evening of conversation and good eats. Peace and Joy, Rich