Dear Church Family, January 6, the 12th day of Christmas, is known as Epiphany. This is a word which means “unveiling,” “awakening,” or “manifestation.” Traditionally, Epiphany was the day the wise men arrived at the manger (Matthew’s gospel says the holy family actually moved to a house by then), and Jesus became known and was worshipped by the first non-Jews, the first Gentiles. A star guided them, and in recognition of that, each person coming to worship this Sunday will be given a star “gift.” This is just a colorful cut out star on which is written a simple word—words like “friendship,” “harmony” “compassion.” You’ll be asked to consider how that word might take on some significance in your life in the new year, and how God might be speaking to you through that simple message. For example, if your word is friendship, you might think about the importance of friendship in your life, or whether some neglected friends might need your attention, or what you might do to be a better friend to a neglected or lonely person. If your word is harmony, you might think how you can be an agent for breaking down barriers between people or you might feel challenged to pray daily for harmony and peace in the middle east. It might take some time, and thought and prayer, to consider how your “star gift” might shape your Christian character. But I thought it might be a slightly different way of thinking of our new year’s “resolutions.” Sunday is not only Epiphany Sunday. It also marks “The Baptism of the Lord.” The sermon is “Beginning with Baptism.” The texts are Isaiah 55:1-11 and John 1:24-34. We’ll also be celebrating holy communion. See you in church, Rich P.S. Some folks have asked about making donations to the church in memory of Bruce Anderson. In their brief biography of Bruce posted on our church website ( ) the family indicated they would welcome that.