Dear Members and Friends,
As the earth greens and buds blooms, the cornerstone of Christianity, Easter, was enthusiastically celebrated at Falls Village Congregational Church. We began with the early Sunrise Service hike up onto the hilltop and stood by the tall, wooden cross. Our bodies were cold by our hearts were warmed through worship while waking up to God’s creation and praising God’s only begotten child, Jesus Christ. We then returned to a full breakfast prepared by members and also opened to all. An array of Easter symbols donned the tables and windowsills of our multipurpose room, Miner Hall.
During the Lenten season, we explored our challenges from interdenominational perspectives. Together with the North Canaan Congregational Church, the Canaan Methodist Church, St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church and Trinity Episcopal Church, we heard the message of God by exploring varies worship styles. Who knows how or when God will open our hearts to the message of Jesus Christ in our time! Giving our minds, bodies and souls the opportunity for grace to enter in even during troubling times is up to us accept. When we sit at the Lord’s Table, together we remember the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. With bread and with wine, we remember the Divine body and blood sacrificed and living for us so that we sacrifice our worries but care to live our lives to the fullest service of Christ’s mission.
At Easter, the Living Christ is celebrated. The stone that separated us from Jesus is rolled away and the glory of Jesus Christ is revealed. We as Christians have our interdenominational differences that can separate us each Sunday. However, we as Christian are also charged by Jesus Christ revealed to us to set out into the world and expose the riches of compassion. In the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ was born, died and rose from the dead so that we may live eternally. We have a life time to understand what Christ’s sacrifice means to us individually. As Christians, let us be together in demonstrating that we are the body of the Living Christ. Christ is Risen! We believe in Jesus and his life examples. We believe in the strength of God with us to empower our days and the compassion of God’s ways. We can eat and drink together and be enough as we share our cares and concerns. We can step out of our tombs and reveal ourselves to the Risen Son ready to shine on us and energize us. God is ready for you to relinquish what is inhibiting you from fully participating in this world. God gave us the gift of life growing and blooming into a wonderful flower. Let us join the bouquet of God’s creation and enter into the greening compassion of Christ’s mission of peace in the world!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Michelle Wiltshire-Clement