We wholeheartedly embrace the seven items it contains for both our pastor and the members of our congregation.
We seek to follow God’s Will in our lives and provide a safe environment where differing viewpoints are welcomed, sought, heard and respected. Therefore, we individually and as a congregation, covenant to remember to:
- Be open to discerning God’s Will through attention to the Sacred Scriptures and to hearing the opinions of others;
- Be positive and constructive, focusing on important goals, issues and problems, not on personalities;
- Be respectful, receptive, patient and understanding listeners, creating opportunities for everyone to express their needs, viewpoints, opinions, and passions;
- Be honest and responsible in expressing oneself directly and with sensitivity;
- Be tolerant and seek to understand our differences and, if necessary, be able to agree to disagree;
- Be ready to forgive, as well as to accept God’s Forgiveness, and the forgiveness of others.
Doing this with Christian love will focus our words and actions on the common good of the congregation, while welcoming diversity and differences, trusting God’s Guiding Spirit.